High school (9-12)
Welcome to High School!
Welcome to New Hope Christian Academy! As I begin my eighth year here, third year as MS/HS Principal, it is a great honor for me to step into the role of Middle School/High School Principal. Training our students to become disciples is a passion of mine and a privilege I do not take lightly. New Hope is a special place where we take our role as educators seriously. We strive to provide our students with a Kingdom-class education as we prepare them to tackle life outside of these walls.
It is my desire to lead our staff and students towards Christ-centered excellence in all we do. Not only do we provide our students with exceptional academic and athletic opportunities, but we are building a community that leads others toward salvation through Jesus Christ. Academic accolades will fade over time, but our salvation is forever. With the end result in mind, we intentionally encourage our students to deny themselves to follow Christ, form a personal relationship with Him, grow in their faith, and put their faith into action.
If you would like to schedule an educational consultation and hear more about what we are doing here at New Hope Christian Academy, please feel free to contact me.
Schedule an educational consultation.
9th Grade
Bible - Old Testament/New Testament Survey
English I - Prentice Hall Literature; various resources
Math - Glencoe Algebra 1/Geometry
Physical Science - Bob Jones Press
Modern World History - Bob Jones Press
Spanish I - Houghton Mifflin Avancemos!
Electives: Concert Band, Concert Choir, Robotics, Foundations in Art
10th Grade
English II - Prentice Hall American Literature; Novel-based, various resources
Math - Glencoe Geometry/Algebra II
Biology I - Bob Jones Press
U.S. History - Bob Jones Press
Spanish II - Houghton Mifflin Avancemos!
French II
Health - ACSI Health
Electives: Concert Band, Concert Choir, Robotics, Art 1
11th Grade
Bible - Personal Evangelism
English - Prentice Hall various resources
Math - Glencoe Algebra II/Pre-Calculus
Chemistry - Bob Jones Press
Honors Chemistry - Bob Jones Press
Government/Economics - Bob Jones Press
Spanish III -Houghton Mifflin Avancemos!
12th Grade
Bible - Discipling to World Religions (includes mission trip)
English - Senior Capstone (includes internship)
Math - Pre-Calculus/Transition to College & Career Mathematics
Science - Physics
Social Studies - World Geography/Contemporary World Issues
High School Electives:
Game Design
Web Design
Concert Band
Concert Choir
Foundations in Art
Drawing I
Painting I
Independent Art Study
Leadership & Ethics
Physical Education credit can be earned anytime in high school